Saturday, April 11, 2015

Saturday Night Super Social


So I'm a huge night owl! I always have been, but during the week I'm pretty involved with work and other things like most peeps are. 
So my Saturday nights are my Super Social nights! On these nights I will be posting everything that has happened during the week with me and my son. 
I'm still recovering from my heart surgery, so I have more time on my hands at the moment to let you in on my boring life. But! I rode my bike for a good bit today with less exhaustion :) So hopefully soon my life will get back to normal.
Also the school year is coming to an end soon and my kiddo will be out for summer! So hopefully we will get to visit some cool places and I can post some pictures for you to enjoy :)
What has been new this week? 
Well, with my son there is a new word. It's "Energy". He will ask us several times a day "What is your energy?", He wants us to reply with our energy level. Sometimes he will want us to tell him what we believe his energy level is. It's a very interesting exchange. I usually try to engage him with the same question and probe him to tell me what his energy level is.. 1000%! I'm trying to grasp where this thought process with the energy came about. I believe I may have narrowed it down to his iPad battery level, however with him it's hard to tell sometimes. They could have been discussing energy at school in some form. Closer to bed time we will tell him that is energy level is around 5-10% lol. It helps get him mentally prepared for bed time.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your new blog! I am looking forward to seeing more! :-)
